Изпълнителен вицепрезидент и Изпълнителен директор на ЗАД "Енергия"
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- Фондация "Проф. д-р. В. Гаврийски"
- Специализирани ВУЗ
- Kурс на БНБ за 22.11.2024 г.
- 1 USD= 1.78419 лв.
- 1 EUR=1.0962 USD
- Валутен калкулатор
The International Insurance Mediation Conference
28 Януари 2011 г.,zastrahovatel.com
March 28th-29th, 2011
Grand Hyatt Istanbul Hotel, Turkey
The International Insurance Mediation Conference is a top level environment for re/insurance intermediation professionals and a platform for the exchange of business insights on essential issues of the re/insurance distribution.The summit is completely organized for and by professionals, ensuring the highest quality program in all aspects.
IIMC 2011 will focus on the future European provisions with regard to the insurance mediation business, taking into consideration the most relevant experiences registered under the IMD regime.
The event will also avail a comprehensive review of how the crisis affected the business of insurance mediation and the main conclusion which can be drawn, in this respect, with regard to the legislative provisions.
Finally, keeping in mind the need to identify further growth opportunities for the industry, the Conference will put forward some of the most promising insurance markets, in terms of potential and business opportunities.
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Екипът на Zastrahovatel.com ви уведомява, че администраторите на форума ще премахват всички мнения и коментари, съдържащи нецензурни квалификации.
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Полезни връзки
"Общо застраховане - принципи и практика"
Янаки Андреев, 2004 "Основи на застраховането"
Йото Йотов,
Боян Илиев, 2004 |